I once asked a close friend and mentor why it seemed like there were often significant differences in growth trajectory for similarly talented apprentices who were exposed to the same environment. He replied that, "Well, some don't have their sails up." The mentors were there, blowing the wind, but only some knew how to harness it. The more I thought about this metaphor the more profound it became. You can have a perspective that is so narrow that you can't detect the direction of the breeze. You may be rowing against it, or you may simply be idle, but you are moving nowhere in the choppy waters.
The wind in this metaphor is the available wisdom, advice, and training that is around and available. Making the effort to hoist your sails is adopting a humble, curious attitude. Its an attitude that asks lots of questions. It seeks for a deeper understanding than just getting unstuck. It looks to build relationships. It's the, "growth mindset" developed by Carol Dweck in her book, "Mindset." One with the growth mindset is one who believes that they are changeable. They believe that effort makes a difference.
This conversation made me wonder what wind was blowing around me that I wasn't picking up on. What progress am I avoiding in my ignorance? What opportunities are around me that would present themselves if I were only to knock? What mentors are eager to help a young person who will go out of their way to ask for advice? Are all my sails up?